leverage effectの例文
- If the rider's hands are held high, there is no leverage effect.
- If the rider's hands are low, the slight leverage effect can be used.
- The point he kept making was that it has a significant leveraging effect,
- Parameters are points of lowest leverage effects.
- It was an extraordinary demonstration of how to use philanthropic money for leveraging effect, " he said.
- If the yield curve flattens, meaning that the spread between long-and short-term bonds is reduced or eliminated, the leverage effect will be lost.
- Thus, the participation in the market value of the underlying can be effectively weaker, stronger ( leverage effect ), or implemented as inverse.
- "Anything we can do with these large and profitable categories for retailers has tremendous leverage effect on a retailer's bottom line, " he said.
- Schrempp's speaking engagements, booked through 2000, are choreographed for the " highest-leverage effect with the right audience, the right time and the right topic,"
- They proposed to implement regulation to prevent the systemic risks and to curb business cycles, including the limitation of the leverage effect, which amplifies cycles.
- When \ gamma we see the so-called leverage effect, commonly observed in equity markets, where the volatility of a stock increases as its price falls.
- Earnings per share targets need adjusting to take out the financial leveraging effect of the buyback and similarly share incentive schemes need adjusting to neutralize unwarranted enhancement.
- Taking into account the national contribution of member states, and the leverage effect of financial instruments, the overall impact of investments is likely to be about 600 billion Euro.
- We see the opportunity to have a leveraged effect with a small real effect on the New Zealand dollar multiplying up to quite a significant effect across the economy,
- The outer and middle parts of the ear can be represented with a collection of coils, capacitors, and an ideal transformer to represent the leveraging effect of the ossicles.
- Conversely, in commodity markets, we often observe \ gamma > 1, the so-called inverse leverage effect, whereby the volatility of the price of a commodity tends to increase as its price increases.
- Surprisingly, the leveraging effects of federal money ( $ 376 million last year ) have exceeded projections, including more than $ 40 million in private-sector contributions and another $ 50 million from enthusiastic local governments.
- With a leverage effect of up to 25 times the amount of public spending on household investment and repayment rates of almost 100 percent, the fund is seen as a best practice example by its financiers.
- For stock returns, parameter ~ \ theta is usually estimated to be positive; in this case, it reflects the leverage effect, signifying that negative returns increase future volatility by a larger amount than positive returns of the same magnitude.
- Indeed, such is the status of Philip Morris'arts program that grants from the company often have the same kind of leverage effect as grants from the National Endowment of the Arts : Philip Morris money represents a kind of stamp of approval that can bring other grants in its wake.